Romanian IT experts win gold at Best in Biz Awards 2014 EMEA

16 May 2014

A project implemented by the Romanian Ministry of National Education, in partnership with Siveco Romania and the Carol I National Defense University recently received the gold medal in the “Most Innovative Product of the Year" within the global competition Best in Biz Awards 2014 EMEA.

Best in Biz Awards is the only independent business awards program judged by members of the press and industry analysts.

The project destined to collaborative learning in schools was developed based on multi-touch technology, and was entirely achieved with Romanian know-how, expertise and technology, being financed through the European Social Fund Sectoral Operational Program Human Resources Development (FSE POSDRU) 2007-2013.

“The multi-touch screens replace the classic ones and can be successfully used in any field, but especially in education, as shown by this project. The purpose of the solution developed by Romanian IT experts is to improve the collaboration between teachers and students, to engage students in group activities, to make them experiment, making the transition from learning based on memorizing, to the one based on discovery and construction of knowledge,” reads a statement of Siveco Romania.

Second and third place after the Romanian company came Turkish Turk Economic Bankasi  and UK's Teletrac.

Nearly 100 public and private companies representing all economic sectors from 25 countries competed in the third edition of the Best in Biz Awards. The awards were offered for a series of categories, including Fastest-Growing Company of the Year, Most Innovative Company of the Year, Enterprise Product of the Year, Best New Version of the Year and Most Innovative Product of the Year.

Irina Popescu,


Romanian IT experts win gold at Best in Biz Awards 2014 EMEA

16 May 2014

A project implemented by the Romanian Ministry of National Education, in partnership with Siveco Romania and the Carol I National Defense University recently received the gold medal in the “Most Innovative Product of the Year" within the global competition Best in Biz Awards 2014 EMEA.

Best in Biz Awards is the only independent business awards program judged by members of the press and industry analysts.

The project destined to collaborative learning in schools was developed based on multi-touch technology, and was entirely achieved with Romanian know-how, expertise and technology, being financed through the European Social Fund Sectoral Operational Program Human Resources Development (FSE POSDRU) 2007-2013.

“The multi-touch screens replace the classic ones and can be successfully used in any field, but especially in education, as shown by this project. The purpose of the solution developed by Romanian IT experts is to improve the collaboration between teachers and students, to engage students in group activities, to make them experiment, making the transition from learning based on memorizing, to the one based on discovery and construction of knowledge,” reads a statement of Siveco Romania.

Second and third place after the Romanian company came Turkish Turk Economic Bankasi  and UK's Teletrac.

Nearly 100 public and private companies representing all economic sectors from 25 countries competed in the third edition of the Best in Biz Awards. The awards were offered for a series of categories, including Fastest-Growing Company of the Year, Most Innovative Company of the Year, Enterprise Product of the Year, Best New Version of the Year and Most Innovative Product of the Year.

Irina Popescu,




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