Romanian musician crowdfunds jazz album played on plants

Romanian jazz and rock saxophone player and composer Mihai Dan Iordache is currently crowdfunding on Indiegogo the sum needed to release a jazz album where the music has been recorded with plants used as instruments.
The musician played the music on dandelions, nut tree leaves, maple tree leaves, ivy leaves, willow leaves, grasses and twigs and a small djembe, a type of drum played with bare hands.
So far, USD 274 have been raised towards a flexible goal of USD 3,800.
“These humble gifts from nature all have their own souls and sounds, and I hope this album will give you joy and also remind you of how vital nature is for all of us,” the musician explains in the description of the project.
He also explains that the music was recorded by looping parts of the song since the plants split and break easily. Also, because each dandelion has its own sound and feel, which depends on its age, whether it grew in the sun or in the shadow, the music was not composed beforehand.
The project’s Indiegogo page is available here.
(Photo: Wikipedia)