Romanian language lesson: Definite and indefinite article in Romanian

Definite article
The definite article in Romanian is attached at the end of the word.
Definite article in the singular
For a masculine noun ended into a consonant, the definite article is „l”. This letter is attached at the end of the noun and it is preceded by the vowel „u”.
Băiatul = băiat + u + l (engl. the boy)
Studentul = student + u + l (engl. the boy)
Bărbatul = bărbat + u + l (engl. the man)
If the masculine noun ends in the vowel „e”, the definite article is „le”.
Fratele = frate + le (engl. the brother)
Câinele = câine + le (engl. the dog)
For a feminine word, the definite article is „a”.
If the last letter of the feminine word is “ă”, “ă” turns into “a” (fată → fata)
Fata = fată + a (engl. the girl, fr. la fille)
If the last letter of the feminine word is “e” and “e” is preceded by a consonant, the definite article “a” is added at the end of the word (carte→ cartea, dragoste → dragostea).
Cartea = carte + a (engl. the book)
Dragostea = dragoste + a (engl. the love)
If the last letter of the feminine word is “e” and “e” is preceded by a vowel, the last vowel “e” turns into “a” (femeie → femeia, lămâie → lămâia).
Femeia = femeie + a (engl. the women)
Lămâia = lămâie + a (engl. the lemon)
For some words ended in “ea” or “a” the definite article “a” is preceded by the consonant “u” (cafea → cafeaua, cafenea → cafeneaua).
Cafeaua = cafea + u + a (engl. the coffee)
Canapeaua = canapea + u + a (engl. coffee shop)
For a neuter noun, the definite article has the same forms as for a masculine noun and obeys to the same rules and restrictions as a masculine word:
-l (preceded by “u” if the nouns ends into a consonant)
-le (if the noun ends in “e”).
Telefonul = telefon + u + l (engl. the phone)
Obiectul = obiect + u + l (engl. the object)
Spatele = spate + le (engl. the back)
Definite article in the plural
For a masculine noun, the definite article is „i” and it is added at the end of the word. The article is preceded by the plural ending.
Băieții = băieți + i (engl. the boys)
Frații = frați + i (engl. the brothers)
For a feminine word, the definite article „le” is added at the end of the word, after the plural ending.
Fetele = fete + le (engl. the girls)
Mamele = mame + le (engl. the mothers)
The definite article for a neuter word is the same as for a feminine word - „le”. The article is attached after the plural ending.
Obiectele = obiecte + le (engl. the objects,)
Computerele = computere + le (engl. the computers)
Indefinite article in the singular
The indefinite article is attached in front of the word. For a masculine and a neuter noun the article is „un” and for a feminine word the article is „o”.
un băiat (engl. a boy)
o fată (engl. a girl)
un loc (engl. a place)
Indefinite article in the plural
The indefinite article in the plural is the same for all the genders - „niște” and it is attached in front of the noun. The noun has to be in the plural.
niște băieți (engl. some boys)
niște fete (engl. some girls)
niște obiecte (engl. some objects)
Mona Pologea, PhD. Linguist