Romanian language lesson: Negation

16 December 2013

Basic negation

A clause containing the negative word “nu” expresses a negative meaning. The particle “nu” is placed in front of the verb / auxiliary verb / reflexive pronoun:

Nu am timp. (I don't have time)

Nu am avut timp. (I didn't have time)

Nu voi merge acolo mâine. (I will not go there tomorrow)

When a negative adverb occurs, it is mandatory to express the particle “nu” in front of the verb.

Incorrect: *Vreau nimic.

Correct: Nu vreau nimic (I want nothing).

Incorrect: *Beau cafea niciodată.

Correct: Nu beau cafea niciodată (I never drink coffee).

The conjunction “nici” (neither ... nor) is also used with verbs in the negative form.

El nici nu scrie, nici nu citește (He neither writes nor reads)

Negative adverbs

niciodată (never)

nicicând (never)

nicăieri (nowhere)

niciunde (nowhere)

nicicum (no way)

nici (nor)

Negative pronouns

nimic (nothing)

nimeni (nobody)

In front of “nimeni” the preposition “pe” is mandatory. Double accusative is not used.

Incorrect: *Nu l-am văzut pe nimeni / *Nu am văzut-o pe nimeni.

Correct: Nu am văzut pe nimeni.

Negative adjectives

niciun / nicio (no / any).

“Niciun” is followed by a masculine or a neuter noun and “nicio” is followed by a feminine noun.

Examples: niciun hotel, nicio carte.

Mona Moldoveanu Pologea,  ROLANG School Managing Director



Romanian language lesson: Negation

16 December 2013

Basic negation

A clause containing the negative word “nu” expresses a negative meaning. The particle “nu” is placed in front of the verb / auxiliary verb / reflexive pronoun:

Nu am timp. (I don't have time)

Nu am avut timp. (I didn't have time)

Nu voi merge acolo mâine. (I will not go there tomorrow)

When a negative adverb occurs, it is mandatory to express the particle “nu” in front of the verb.

Incorrect: *Vreau nimic.

Correct: Nu vreau nimic (I want nothing).

Incorrect: *Beau cafea niciodată.

Correct: Nu beau cafea niciodată (I never drink coffee).

The conjunction “nici” (neither ... nor) is also used with verbs in the negative form.

El nici nu scrie, nici nu citește (He neither writes nor reads)

Negative adverbs

niciodată (never)

nicicând (never)

nicăieri (nowhere)

niciunde (nowhere)

nicicum (no way)

nici (nor)

Negative pronouns

nimic (nothing)

nimeni (nobody)

In front of “nimeni” the preposition “pe” is mandatory. Double accusative is not used.

Incorrect: *Nu l-am văzut pe nimeni / *Nu am văzut-o pe nimeni.

Correct: Nu am văzut pe nimeni.

Negative adjectives

niciun / nicio (no / any).

“Niciun” is followed by a masculine or a neuter noun and “nicio” is followed by a feminine noun.

Examples: niciun hotel, nicio carte.

Mona Moldoveanu Pologea,  ROLANG School Managing Director



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