Romanian language lesson: The Present Indicative of the verbs in “e” (3rd conjugation)

04 July 2011

The verbs with the “e” infinitive are considered verbs of the 3rd conjugation.

Examples: a merge (to go), a scrie (to write), a deschide (to open), a trimite (to send), a începe (to start), a crede (to believe).

[audio:|titles=Present Indicative of the verbs in -e]

The Present Indicative is formed from the root verb. If the infinitive is “a merge”, the root verb is “merg” (without the infinitive suffix “e”). If the infinitive form is “a deschide”, the root verb is “deschid” etc.

After obtaining the root, the following endings must be added: Ø (1st person in the singular), -i (2nd person in the singular), -e (3rd person in the singular), -em (1st person in the plural), -eți (2nd person in the plural), Ø (3rd person in the plural).



A merge (engl. to go), a începe (engl. to start / to begin), a crede (engl. to believe)

A merge A începe A crede

Eu merg

Eu încep

Eu cred

Tu mergi Tu începi Tu crezi
El / ea merge El / ea începe El / ea crede
Noi mergem Noi începem Noi credem
Voi mergeți Voi începeți Voi credeți

Ei / ele merg

Ei / ele încep

Ei / ele cred


The consonant „d” as a last letter in the 1st person singular (cred, deschid) becomes „z” in the 2nd person singular (crezi, deschizi).

The 1st person singular has the same form with the 3rd person in the plural:

Eu cred / ei cred (I believe / they believe).

Eu merg / ei merg (I go / they go)

Some verbs receive the ending „u” in the 1st person singular and in the 3rd person plural.


A scrie (engl. to write)

Eu scriu Noi scriem
Tu scrii Voi scrieți
El / ea scrie Ei / ele scriu


The negative form

In order to obtain the negative form, the particle “nu” must be added in front of the verb:


Eu nu scriu Noi nu scriem
Tu nu scrii Voi nu scrieți
El / ea nu scrie Ei / ele nu scriu


Mona Pologea, PhD. Linguist, Managing Director ROLANG School


Romanian language lesson: The Present Indicative of the verbs in “e” (3rd conjugation)

04 July 2011

The verbs with the “e” infinitive are considered verbs of the 3rd conjugation.

Examples: a merge (to go), a scrie (to write), a deschide (to open), a trimite (to send), a începe (to start), a crede (to believe).

[audio:|titles=Present Indicative of the verbs in -e]

The Present Indicative is formed from the root verb. If the infinitive is “a merge”, the root verb is “merg” (without the infinitive suffix “e”). If the infinitive form is “a deschide”, the root verb is “deschid” etc.

After obtaining the root, the following endings must be added: Ø (1st person in the singular), -i (2nd person in the singular), -e (3rd person in the singular), -em (1st person in the plural), -eți (2nd person in the plural), Ø (3rd person in the plural).



A merge (engl. to go), a începe (engl. to start / to begin), a crede (engl. to believe)

A merge A începe A crede

Eu merg

Eu încep

Eu cred

Tu mergi Tu începi Tu crezi
El / ea merge El / ea începe El / ea crede
Noi mergem Noi începem Noi credem
Voi mergeți Voi începeți Voi credeți

Ei / ele merg

Ei / ele încep

Ei / ele cred


The consonant „d” as a last letter in the 1st person singular (cred, deschid) becomes „z” in the 2nd person singular (crezi, deschizi).

The 1st person singular has the same form with the 3rd person in the plural:

Eu cred / ei cred (I believe / they believe).

Eu merg / ei merg (I go / they go)

Some verbs receive the ending „u” in the 1st person singular and in the 3rd person plural.


A scrie (engl. to write)

Eu scriu Noi scriem
Tu scrii Voi scrieți
El / ea scrie Ei / ele scriu


The negative form

In order to obtain the negative form, the particle “nu” must be added in front of the verb:


Eu nu scriu Noi nu scriem
Tu nu scrii Voi nu scrieți
El / ea nu scrie Ei / ele nu scriu


Mona Pologea, PhD. Linguist, Managing Director ROLANG School


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