Romanian medical group Romgermed to increase laboratory efficiency following EUR 2 million investments

Medical group Romgermed will invest over EUR 2 million in the upcoming period in improving and diversifying technological facilities. Via the investments, Romgermed hopes to increase the efficiency and quality of analysis in the group’s laboratories, according to the company.
“Following the massive investments in equipment and other facilities, but also through cost optimization, Romgermed offers its clients, patients and partners a list of prices discounted on average by 20 to 40 percent, as of June 2013,” according to George Manoiu, Romgermed Group’s Development Director.
The investments made since the beginning of this year amount to some EUR 900,000. By the end of 2013, the total investments made under the group’s development strategy are expected to reach over EUR 2 million.
Romgermed Group was established in 1999. In 2011, Romgermed had a turnover of some EUR 5.2 million and a profit of around EUR 330,000.
Irina Popescu,
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