Romanian National Liberal Party nominates four new ministers while PM away for Sochi Olympics opening

07 February 2014

Romania's Government is poised for changes as the National Liberal Party, part of the ruling coalition, has nominated four new ministers.

PNL leader Crin Antonescu officially announced the new nominations on Friday, February 7. Klaus Iohannis, the Sibiu mayor, was proposed as Interior Minister and vice – Prime Minister, while Teodor Atanasiu is to take the Economy Ministry helm; Eugen Nicolaescu, currently the Health Minister, should become the Finance minister, while Cristian Busoi is due to take his place at the helm of the Health Ministry.

The announcement came after a high level PNL meeting, and after the Interior, Finance and Economy ministers had resigned. These ministries have been assigned to the PNL when the ruling coalition negotiated the Government structure, and when one of the seats is vacated, a member of the PNL is due to take over.

Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta, head of the Social Democratic Party within the ruling coalition, is however away for the opening of the Winter Olympics in Sochi and said he would make comments upon getting back to Romania.

Commentators argue that the new nominations could cause some debate within the ruling coalition.

Economy Minister steps down four months into office

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Romanian National Liberal Party nominates four new ministers while PM away for Sochi Olympics opening

07 February 2014

Romania's Government is poised for changes as the National Liberal Party, part of the ruling coalition, has nominated four new ministers.

PNL leader Crin Antonescu officially announced the new nominations on Friday, February 7. Klaus Iohannis, the Sibiu mayor, was proposed as Interior Minister and vice – Prime Minister, while Teodor Atanasiu is to take the Economy Ministry helm; Eugen Nicolaescu, currently the Health Minister, should become the Finance minister, while Cristian Busoi is due to take his place at the helm of the Health Ministry.

The announcement came after a high level PNL meeting, and after the Interior, Finance and Economy ministers had resigned. These ministries have been assigned to the PNL when the ruling coalition negotiated the Government structure, and when one of the seats is vacated, a member of the PNL is due to take over.

Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta, head of the Social Democratic Party within the ruling coalition, is however away for the opening of the Winter Olympics in Sochi and said he would make comments upon getting back to Romania.

Commentators argue that the new nominations could cause some debate within the ruling coalition.

Economy Minister steps down four months into office

Romania’s Finance Ministry quits Government job to focus on party’s activity during electoral year

Romanian Interior Minister Stroe resigns over lengthy rescue mission after plane crash





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