Romanian PM asks for standard 08:00-to-16:00 schedule across state institutions

16 February 2012

Romania's newly installed Prime Minister Mihai Razvan Ungureanu (in picture) standardized the work schedule in all state institutions in the country to 8:00 -16:00 every week day, including Fridays. The official announcement sent to all ministries and state institutions took commentators by surprise, as many believed this to already be the schedule in state institutions. Media reports suggested the measure would eliminate the so- called 'short Fridays', which are customary in Romania, and harmonize working hours across all state institutions.

The PM said the measure was triggered by the need to harmonize schedules across ministries and state institutions. Soon after taking the helm of the Romanian Government, Ungureanu says he usually starts work at 06:00 and is among the last to leave the office.

Ungureanu took over as PM last week, after former PM Emil Boc resigned. His first media appearances after taking office concerned the  emergency situation in hundreds of snow bound Romanian villages. He also went to some of the affected areas last week.

Ungureanu's cabinet is the youngest in Romania so far. Read more about the stakes of the main ministries in Romania this year here.

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Romanian PM asks for standard 08:00-to-16:00 schedule across state institutions

16 February 2012

Romania's newly installed Prime Minister Mihai Razvan Ungureanu (in picture) standardized the work schedule in all state institutions in the country to 8:00 -16:00 every week day, including Fridays. The official announcement sent to all ministries and state institutions took commentators by surprise, as many believed this to already be the schedule in state institutions. Media reports suggested the measure would eliminate the so- called 'short Fridays', which are customary in Romania, and harmonize working hours across all state institutions.

The PM said the measure was triggered by the need to harmonize schedules across ministries and state institutions. Soon after taking the helm of the Romanian Government, Ungureanu says he usually starts work at 06:00 and is among the last to leave the office.

Ungureanu took over as PM last week, after former PM Emil Boc resigned. His first media appearances after taking office concerned the  emergency situation in hundreds of snow bound Romanian villages. He also went to some of the affected areas last week.

Ungureanu's cabinet is the youngest in Romania so far. Read more about the stakes of the main ministries in Romania this year here.

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