Romanian PM tells foreign investors that high-value-added projects are preferred

In a meeting with the Foreign Investors Council (FIC) at the Government's headquarters on January 31, prime minister Nicolae Ciuca said that the Executive's priority is to support high-value-added investments, especially in areas such as digitization, innovation, and development of new technologies.
He promised fiscal predictability but also stressed that the country's natural resources should be processed in the country.
"We encourage the development of processing capacities and the use of the most innovative solutions in this regard. At the same time, we treat with respect the need for fiscal predictability of the business environment," PM Ciuca said.
"I am confident that this year too, through massive government investments, through a dynamic process of attracting European money, we will succeed in developing and modernizing Romania's economy," he added.
During the dialogue, a series of topics regarding the fiscal regime, the digitization of the administration, the reduction of bureaucracy, and the stability and predictability of the fiscal framework and investment plans in Romania were addressed.
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