Romanian PM says country has a chance to exit recession in April

Romania could exit recession in April this year, if the positive trend recorded in the fourth quarter of the year will continue, said Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc (in picture). “The Government's main objective for 2011 is exiting the crisis and an econommic increase of 1.5 to 2 percent. The data sent by the National Statistics Institute on Wednesday show Romania has all the chances to officially exit the recession in April,” said Emil Boc.
The job occupancy rate is on its way up as well, Boc also added, saying the effects of the harsh measures the Government had to take have started to show.
Romania's fourth-quarter GDP was by 0.1 percent higher than in Q3 of 2010 in real terms (seasonally adjusted data), while the 2010 GDP shrank 1.2 percent from 2009, according to data recently released by the National Statistics Institute.