Romanian poet Nichita Stănescu’s 80th anniversary celebrated with Tel Aviv exhibition this spring

The 80th anniversary of the birth of Romanian poet Nichita Stănescu (in picture) will be celebrated through a commemorative exhibition hosted by the Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR) in Tel Aviv, between April 10 and May 10, 2013, according to the institute.
The Nichita Stanescu's 80th anniversary (1933-1983) exhibition will comprise a series of works including Nichita Stanescu's poems translated into Hebrew by Simon Haran, accompanied by Mircia Dumitrescu's graphic work. The exhibition will be open to the public from Monday to Friday, between 10:00 to 15:00.
Also in this period, students on the Romanian language course organized by ICR Tel Aviv will attend a number of classes introducing the poet's lyrical works, according to ICR.
Nichita Stănescu is widely considered as one of the most important 20th Century Romanian poets. He was born in 1933 in Ploiesti and died from hepatitis in 1983. As well as publishing many volumes of poetry, he also edited and contributed to several magazines. He won the Gottfried von Herder International Award in 1975 and the Gold Crown Award of the Struga International Poetry Festival seven years later, in 1982.
Irina Popescu,
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