Romanian power producer sues boxing federation for sponsorship money

Local power producer Hidroelectrica has sued the Romanian Boxing Federation, demanding some EUR 135,000, which Hidroelectrica paid as sponsorship in 2011 for a boxing event called “Gala Bute” in which Romanian champion Lucian Bute boxed against Frenchman Jean Paul Mendy.
In 2011, Elena Udrea’s Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism paid EUR 2.3 million to a company owned by former Romanian boxer Rudel Obreja, to finance the “Gata Bute”. The minister signed an advertising contract with Obreja’s firm to promote Romania’s tourism brand in the boxing gala and thus justify the spent money.
Some state-owned companies, such as Hidroelectrica, also sponsored the event.
Several people, including Elena Udrea, were indicted in this file on corruption charges. The Gala Bute trial has begun at the High Court of Justice and Cassation on October 16. Some of the people on trial in this case have pleaded guilty and testified in court to get shorter sentences.