Romanian president nominates incumbent PM to head country's new Government

17 December 2012

Romanian president Traian Basescu nominated existing Prime Minister Victor Ponta to lead the new Government, following the Social Liberal Union (USL) win in the recent general elections in the country. The announcement was expected as the USL has the majority in the new Parliament, which should be summoned by the President sometime this week.

The announcement was however eagerly awaited, due to the previous quarrel between the Romanian President and PM on various occasions in the past, which raised fears of the president naming somebody else and delaying the whole process. Traian Basescu met representatives of all political parties earlier today to consult them on the new PM, but the meeting was short, only half an hour, suggesting a decision had already been made and the consultation was merely to comply with the constitution. The only parties which submitted a proposal were the USL, the Magyar Union (UDMR) and the representatives of the minorities.

The president spoke at 12:00 today (December 17 ), officially announcing Victor Ponta as the PM and the documentation pertaining to the appointment has already been signed. President Basescu suggested that he might not appoint political opponent Victor Ponta as PM, but in the end there was no drama over the decision.

Victor Ponta, who took over the Government reigns in May this year, is an MP, having been re-elected in the recent elections, and representing the city of Targu Jiu, in Gorj county. In previous Governments run by the Social Democratic Party (PSD), which Ponta has been leading since 2010, he was a minister delegate and a sub secretary of state and head of the Control Unit for the Government. Ponta is a prosecutor, having worked at the anti-corruption department and specializing in financial crime in the early 2000s.

The 40-year old PM will nominate the new Government in the coming days and face the Parliament vote. He said he was hoping for the new Government to be named and validated before Christmas.

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Romanian president nominates incumbent PM to head country's new Government

17 December 2012

Romanian president Traian Basescu nominated existing Prime Minister Victor Ponta to lead the new Government, following the Social Liberal Union (USL) win in the recent general elections in the country. The announcement was expected as the USL has the majority in the new Parliament, which should be summoned by the President sometime this week.

The announcement was however eagerly awaited, due to the previous quarrel between the Romanian President and PM on various occasions in the past, which raised fears of the president naming somebody else and delaying the whole process. Traian Basescu met representatives of all political parties earlier today to consult them on the new PM, but the meeting was short, only half an hour, suggesting a decision had already been made and the consultation was merely to comply with the constitution. The only parties which submitted a proposal were the USL, the Magyar Union (UDMR) and the representatives of the minorities.

The president spoke at 12:00 today (December 17 ), officially announcing Victor Ponta as the PM and the documentation pertaining to the appointment has already been signed. President Basescu suggested that he might not appoint political opponent Victor Ponta as PM, but in the end there was no drama over the decision.

Victor Ponta, who took over the Government reigns in May this year, is an MP, having been re-elected in the recent elections, and representing the city of Targu Jiu, in Gorj county. In previous Governments run by the Social Democratic Party (PSD), which Ponta has been leading since 2010, he was a minister delegate and a sub secretary of state and head of the Control Unit for the Government. Ponta is a prosecutor, having worked at the anti-corruption department and specializing in financial crime in the early 2000s.

The 40-year old PM will nominate the new Government in the coming days and face the Parliament vote. He said he was hoping for the new Government to be named and validated before Christmas.

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