Romanian prosecutor fines traffic policemen who sanctioned him

A Romanian prosecutor from the city of Slobozia fined two traffic policemen with RON 5,000 (some EUR 1,000) each, saying that he was late for work because the two stopped him in traffic and sanctioned him for speeding and for expired periodic technical inspection (ITP), local Mediafax reported.
Prosecutor Mihai Laurentiu fined the two traffic police officers at the beginning of November, a few months after the policemen stopped him in traffic, which had happened in July.
The ordinance through which the two policemen were fined says that “not applying a harsh penalty would create a dangerous precedent,” which would allow other police officers “of bad faith” to do the same thing, “committing similar abuses against other magistrates, intimidating magistrates or, why not, committing some similar acts against any other citizens.” Thus, “this risk must be prevented by a prompt response.”
According to the same document, the policemen fined the prosecutor with RON 2,175 (EUR 465) at the moment of the incident, and the two officers had an ironic behavior during the entire procedure, delaying the action. The prosecutor said he was late for work because of this incident.
Irina Marica,
(photo source: Facebook / Politia Romana)