Romanian Senate: Supermarkets need to donate food or they risk fines

19 November 2015

Romania’s Senate adopted on November 18 a draft project which compels supermarkets to conclude contracts with humanitarian or animal protection organizations to donate food that is close to expire, otherwise risking a fine of RON 15,000 (EUR 3,300).

The law would apply to companies which operate stores of over 400 sqm and sell food, reports local Mediafax. The food should be donated in a reasonable timeframe, so it can be consumed.

According to the EU reports, Romania wastes about 5 million tons of food annually. Food waste happens at individual level, as well as in restaurants and big food retailers, according to the draft law.

The law also needs to be approved by the Chamber of Deputies to enter into force.


Romanian Senate: Supermarkets need to donate food or they risk fines

19 November 2015

Romania’s Senate adopted on November 18 a draft project which compels supermarkets to conclude contracts with humanitarian or animal protection organizations to donate food that is close to expire, otherwise risking a fine of RON 15,000 (EUR 3,300).

The law would apply to companies which operate stores of over 400 sqm and sell food, reports local Mediafax. The food should be donated in a reasonable timeframe, so it can be consumed.

According to the EU reports, Romania wastes about 5 million tons of food annually. Food waste happens at individual level, as well as in restaurants and big food retailers, according to the draft law.

The law also needs to be approved by the Chamber of Deputies to enter into force.




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