Romanian short film gets special jury mention at Cannes’ Quinzane des Réalisateurs

Romania’s only contestant in the Cannes Film Festival this year, the short film ‘Trece si prin perete’ /It can pass through the wall emerged a winner with a special jury mention in the 'Quinzane des Réalisateurs' section of the festival.
The film was directed by Radu Jude, and is a free adaptation after a Chekhov novel. It was an independent film produced by the director himself, and by Ada Solomon.
Radu Jude is currently working on his third feature length movie, Aferim, after ‘The tube with a hat’ (Lampa cu caciula) and The happiest girl in the world (Cea mai fericita fata din lume). Jude has won several awards with his films, including at the Berlin Film Festival, at IndieLisboa, Sofia and at B-EST International Film Festival.
The Cannes Film Festival is currently ongoing, due to end on Sunday, May 25, after 11 days of screenings and awards.
Radu Jude’s filmography:
2012 : Everybody in Our Family
2011 : Film For Friends
2009 : The Happiest Girl in The World
2007 : In The Morning
2007 : Alexandra
2006 : The Tube With A