Romanian Soccer Federation to build new sports hall with EUR 1 million from EUFA, FIFA, own funds

03 February 2014

A new sports hall will replace the existing sports field in Mogosoaia, near Romanian capital Bucharest. The sports hall, built by the Romanian Soccer Federation FRF, will cost EUR 940,000, our of which more than half will come form the FRF. The federation will also use EUR 280,000 from UEFA funding, and EUR 140,000 from FIFA funds.

The board of the federation also approved a EUR 60,000 budget for submitting Romania's candidacy to organize the final tour of the European Championship in 2020.

The board decided to grant a EUR 500 monthly life annuity to all honorary members of FRF, which will include former president Mircea Sandu, and possibly other 19 people. The FRF is currently in the process of electing its new president.



Romanian Soccer Federation to build new sports hall with EUR 1 million from EUFA, FIFA, own funds

03 February 2014

A new sports hall will replace the existing sports field in Mogosoaia, near Romanian capital Bucharest. The sports hall, built by the Romanian Soccer Federation FRF, will cost EUR 940,000, our of which more than half will come form the FRF. The federation will also use EUR 280,000 from UEFA funding, and EUR 140,000 from FIFA funds.

The board of the federation also approved a EUR 60,000 budget for submitting Romania's candidacy to organize the final tour of the European Championship in 2020.

The board decided to grant a EUR 500 monthly life annuity to all honorary members of FRF, which will include former president Mircea Sandu, and possibly other 19 people. The FRF is currently in the process of electing its new president.





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