Romanian soldier electrocuted during preparations for National Day parade

A soldier was electrocuted on Friday, November 23, while helping unload military equipment from a train at the Alba Iulia station.
He apparently climbed on one of the tanks that had been transported by train to Alba Iulia for the National Day parade, and touched one of the high voltage cables of the rail system, according to local Digi24.
The Ministry of Defense confirmed the man’s death, saying that his colleagues called the emergency number 112 immediately but the emergency team that arrived at the scene couldn’t save his life.
The Ministry also said that the man was Sergeant Alexandru Orosz, 33. Father of a five-year-old girl, he worked within the Romanian Army for 11 years. He also participated in a mission in Afghanistan in 2012.
Irina Marica,
(photo source: Facebook / Ministerul Apararii Nationale)