Romanian song: Amandoi by Matteo

This song has been playing almost non-stop on some of Romania's music channels, so it was impossible to miss it. Matteo's new song is one of those catchy ones, maybe even a summer hit this year. It's in Romanian, and listening to the lyrics reveals a somewhat melancholy love song. But lyrics are pretty simple- as they should be for a song to catch on during the summer, probably – and we're again facing a feel – good song, despite of the somehow bluesy message.
Matteo is a Romanian reggae and dancehall artist who began his musical career in 2006, with several collaborations with well known Romanian artists. In 2012, he launched his first single, Lovaman. Matteo's real name is Matei Anton Aurel Eugen Ioan Florentin Vasiliu (it's not a joke, nor a mistake, his parents really did give him many names).
Meanwhile, let's listen to his latest song, video below.