Romanian song of the day: Mihaela Mihai - Salcia

As today is a special day that celebrates love (Dragobete), today’s song of the day is one of the most beautiful Romanian love songs ever, Salcia (The Willow), sang by Mihaela Mihai. The song was composed by Horia Moculescu and its sensitive lyrics were written by Mihai Maximilian.
Here is a rough translation of the first part of this song, one that fails, however, to capture its whole beauty.
De-ai fi tu salcie la mal / If you were a willow on the shore
M-as face rau la umbra ta. / I’d turn into a river under your shadow
O stea pe cerul de opal / A star on the opel sky
De-ai fi, in noapte m-as schimba / If you were, into the night I would turn
Si-acolo unde esti o viata as sta /And there where you are a lifetime I would stay
In calea ta, in umbra ta... / In your path, under your shadow…
De-ai fi in zbor o randunea / I you were a flying swallow
M-as face cuib pe-un ram de pom / I’d turn into a nest on a tree branch
Sau primul fulg de nea / Or the first snowflake
De-ai fi, m-as face din zapada om / If you were, I’d become a snowman
Si-acolo unde esti o viata as sta / And there where you are a lifetime I would stay
In calea ta, in umbra ta / In your path, under your shadow
Si-n ochii tai ce-n noapte / And in your eyes which at night
Somnul dulce i-a inchis / The sweet sleep has turned shut
As vrea sa fiu clipa unui vis. / I’d want to be the moment of a dream
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