Study: Romanian spending habits largely determined by friends and family

20 December 2011

Romanians prefer 'word-of-mouth' messages offline and their messages are mostly positive, found a study issued by GfK. 94 percent of respondents like to communicate face to face, while 5 percent do so by phone. Online, Romanians send negative word of mouth messages more than positive ones. People use messenger most, followed by e-mail, forums and social networks.

Over half of Romanians don't remember when they last  sent a negative message about a product or a service they had tried. When spreading the word about a product or service, they usually talk to their friends, families and less so to colleagues.

More than 50 percent of Romanians say they are influenced by friends and family when buying products or services such as health care services, electronic products, IT&C, but are less so for investments or savings services.

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Study: Romanian spending habits largely determined by friends and family

20 December 2011

Romanians prefer 'word-of-mouth' messages offline and their messages are mostly positive, found a study issued by GfK. 94 percent of respondents like to communicate face to face, while 5 percent do so by phone. Online, Romanians send negative word of mouth messages more than positive ones. People use messenger most, followed by e-mail, forums and social networks.

Over half of Romanians don't remember when they last  sent a negative message about a product or a service they had tried. When spreading the word about a product or service, they usually talk to their friends, families and less so to colleagues.

More than 50 percent of Romanians say they are influenced by friends and family when buying products or services such as health care services, electronic products, IT&C, but are less so for investments or savings services.

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