Romanian Tax Administration ANAF pays EUR 1.5 mln for batch of new logos, communication campaign and training

The Romanian Tax Administration ANAF has paid some EUR 1.5 million to create new logos, including its main logo, and logos for its stand alone agencies, including the fiscal anti-fraud agency, major taxpayers agency, and the customs administration.
UPDATE: New information from ANAF sent to the media on Friday, December 20, reveals that the logo and website redesign cost only EUR 6,000, and were created by a firm called Gavrila & Asociatii. The entire project worth EUR 1.5 mln also includes a communication campaign including media, direct and outdoor communication, a pilot public consultation part, communication procedures with tax payers, as well as training public employees into holding communication campaigns.
The project was almost fully finance by EU money. The ANAF has not revealed the name of the company which won the bid and re-designed its logos (images below) . The picture of the old ANAF logo is at the bottom of this story.
The institution has not revealed either how much extra it would cost to rebrand all its official documents and signage using the new logos .