Romanian troops get trained by US marines at Babadag camp

Romanian marines and soldiers from the Babadag training area in Dobrogea had their first training session with US Marines, which is set to last for the next two weeks. A special blended course of U.S. Marine Corps Martial Arts, with the focus on peacekeeping operations and nonlethal techniques was organized last week at Babadag. U.S. And Romanian marines honed their weapons skills. The troops at Babadag have also conducted a combat markshmanship course. Finally, the U.S. and Romanian military forces conducted night vision goggle training. For many of the troops, it was their first time using night vision gear.
The troops are conducting peacekeeping operations training, an integral part of their mission during Black Sea Rotational Force. About 100 U.S. marines are currently deployed to Eastern Europe for Black Sea Rotational Force, a Security Cooperation Marine Air-Ground Task Force with the mission to promote regional stability, build partner-nations' military capacity and build enduring partnerships with nations in the Black Sea, Balkan and Caucasus regions. The US forces are staying at the Mihal Kogalniceanu airfield in Dobrogea.