Romanian writer assaulted in urban legend frenzy

Romanian writer Doina Popescu-Brăila was assaulted in Bucharest during the night of July 4 by a group of people who believed she was involved in child theft.
The writer is the initiator of a project called the Literature Ambulance, hosted in a revamped ambulance truck with which she travels across the country to promote her work. She recently changed the truck carrying the inscriptions of the project with a larger one, still carrying the signaling typical of an ambulance. She was using the truck to sleep in at night, and this is where she was when she was attacked by a group of five men who hit her.
More people gathered around the vehicle, convinced that the woman was driving “the black ambulance” which is used to kidnap children for organ traffic, according to an urban legend. Popescu-Brăila called the Police, which took the men to the Police Section 3 for questioning. Afterwards, more people showed their discontent in front of the Police headquarters for the fact the writer was not arrested. The writer received medical care at the Police HQ but refused to be taken to the hospital.
Meanwhile, one men and two women were detained in the case and placed under judicial control for violent acts, threats and disturbing public order, reported.
After the incident, both the Domestic Affairs Ministry and the Police posted on their Facebook pages messages urging people to stay rational, refrain from creating panic, and explaining that the Black Ambulance does not exist.
(Photo: Ambulanţa pentru Literatură Facebook Page)