Romanian writer Filip Florian attends International Literature Festival in Edinburgh

18 August 2010

Romanian writer Filip Florian (in picture) will hold a reading session and present his debut novel at the International Literature Festival in Edinburgh on Thursday, August 19, according to Polirom publishing house. Filip Florian will publicly read his debt novel – 'Degete Mici/Little Fingers', which was also translated in English – in the Scottish Power hall of the Edinburgh Theater. He will also attend a round table on Central Europe 20 century writers. Filip Florian's book was awarded in Romania in 2005 and 2006. The book was published in 2005. It has already reached the third edition and was translated in German, Italian, Slovenian, Slovakian, Magyar and Polish. LA Times wrote a book review on the 'Little Fingers'

Fingers are missing -- freshly severed fingers from a grisly, newly discovered mass grave in a Romanian village. Petty bureaucrats, magistrates, monks and archaeologists attempt to date the grave and solve the mystery of the missing fingers. One archaeologist sits on the veranda drinking marjoram tea and brandy and listening to his landlady's stories. There is factual evidence, and there is divination -- by cards and coffee grounds

Filip Florian published two other books in the meantime 'Baiuteii' (The Baiut Alley Lads) and 'Zilele Regelui' (Days of the King). Florian, born in 1968, is one of the prominent writers of the new generation in Romania. He used to be a journalist for Cuvantul, Europa Libera and Deutsche Welle. Read an excerpt from his 'Little Fingers' novel here.


Romanian writer Filip Florian attends International Literature Festival in Edinburgh

18 August 2010

Romanian writer Filip Florian (in picture) will hold a reading session and present his debut novel at the International Literature Festival in Edinburgh on Thursday, August 19, according to Polirom publishing house. Filip Florian will publicly read his debt novel – 'Degete Mici/Little Fingers', which was also translated in English – in the Scottish Power hall of the Edinburgh Theater. He will also attend a round table on Central Europe 20 century writers. Filip Florian's book was awarded in Romania in 2005 and 2006. The book was published in 2005. It has already reached the third edition and was translated in German, Italian, Slovenian, Slovakian, Magyar and Polish. LA Times wrote a book review on the 'Little Fingers'

Fingers are missing -- freshly severed fingers from a grisly, newly discovered mass grave in a Romanian village. Petty bureaucrats, magistrates, monks and archaeologists attempt to date the grave and solve the mystery of the missing fingers. One archaeologist sits on the veranda drinking marjoram tea and brandy and listening to his landlady's stories. There is factual evidence, and there is divination -- by cards and coffee grounds

Filip Florian published two other books in the meantime 'Baiuteii' (The Baiut Alley Lads) and 'Zilele Regelui' (Days of the King). Florian, born in 1968, is one of the prominent writers of the new generation in Romania. He used to be a journalist for Cuvantul, Europa Libera and Deutsche Welle. Read an excerpt from his 'Little Fingers' novel here.


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