Romanians abroad: Work ban illegally applied to those already in Spain

The restrictions imposed by Spain on Romanian workers are sometimes applied to those who have already had a job in Spain, but have lost it and are now looking for another work place. The restrictions should be applied only to Romanians who want to start afresh in Spain, according to the Romanians' association abroad, FADERE.
If the situation will not be solved, FADERE plans to go to court against the Spanish Minister of Labor. Some of the Spanish Work Offices recommended Romanians who lost their jobs in Spain and wanted to apply for new ones to get new European Certificates from the Police, which would state they don't have the right to work there, according to FADERE.
The European Commission (EC) has recently adopted a decision to approve Spain’s request to restrict access of Romanian workers on its labor market until December 31, 2012. These restrictions will apply to activities in all sectors and regions, but will not affect Romanian nationals who are already active on the Spanish labor market, according to EC.
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