Study: Most Romanians believe agriculture is important but they wouldn’t work in this sector

More than 70% of Romanians would not work in agriculture but over half (64%) consider that the role of agriculture is essential or important, according to an online study commissioned by World Vision Romania, quoted by local
“Over one third (35.23%) of the Romanians using the Internet believe that agriculture plays an essential role in our country, and 29.16% think that this sector’s role is important but with a declining impact, according to the survey,” the press release read.
Of those working in agriculture or thinking of finding a job in this sector, almost 41% are attracted by horticulture, and more than a third see the beekeeping profession as attractive. Meanwhile, slightly over 27% prefer landscaping.
The same study also revealed that more than three quarters (76.85%) of those who work or would work in agriculture would like to carry out their chosen activity as entrepreneurs.
Meanwhile, over one-third of respondents consider that agricultural workers don’t need too much education. According to them, these workers don’t need to graduate more than four classes, middle school or a vocational school.
Agriculture plays a very important role in Romania’s economy. For example, the country’s agricultural output amounted to EUR 17.5 billion in 2017, namely 4% of the total agricultural output in the European Union (EU), the figure placing Romania 8th among Europe’s biggest agricultural powers.