Some 0.3 mln Romanians commute daily to work in Bucharest

Romanian capital Bucharest, as well as the cities of Ploieşti, Pitesti, Constanta, Timisoara, Brasov and Cluj-Napoca attracted most of the 1.8 million daily commuters in Romania in 2011, according to a study by World Bank using most recently available data.
Bucharest attracted 252,000 commuters. The number increases to 331,000 if one considers Bucharest’s functional urban area (FUA).
Almost a third of all employees in Romania come daily to work from a distance of up to 100 kilometers. Commuters to the FUAs of Bucharest and the 40 county capitals are mostly male, young and come from rural areas. A quarter of them have tertiary education (university studies), although only 18% of the jobs held by commuters require tertiary education.
More than half of the commuters are working in service sectors. The automotive industry is most dependent on commuters, with 46% of the total labor force.
World Bank’s report, which was published in the first half of the year, looks at the cities that have been most successful at attracting migrants and commuters.