Romanians want to adopt the euro, although they admit they are not ready

Romanians are vastly in favour of joining the euro, but this is rather a reflection of the years of high inflation and depreciation rather than a rational choice, the latest Eurobarometer Flash survey reveals.
Most Romanians (75%) are in favour of adopting the euro, the country boasting the steepest increase in positive opinion among EU countries (+12pp, from 63% in 2020), according to the Eurobarometer Flash survey, reported. Less than a quarter, 23% of Romanians, were against, and the rest were undecided.
However, only 27% of Romanians believe that the country is ready to adopt the euro - roughly one-third of those in favour of such a decision - while the vast majority of 69% (+7pp) expressed scepticism.
Further complicating the picture, the majority of Romanians believe that even if not prepared to join the euro, this would have positive consequences - 63% (+13pp compared to 2020). Only 33% believe that joining the euro would not have positive consequences.
Regarding the effects of joining the euro, 44% of respondents believe that this will lead to a loss of control over economic policy, while 51% do not believe this, and the rest don't know.
According to the Flash Eurobarometer, the change to the euro is widely supported in the Member States that have not yet adopted the single currency.
The survey was conducted in the seven Member States that have not yet joined the euro area, namely Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Sweden.
(Photo source: Tibor Duris/