Romanians don’t expect better times soon and trust the EU rather than own Govt.

Most Romanians expect their own financial/economic situation to stagnate (40%) or even worsen (36%) in the next year, a perception that extends to national (31 and, respectively, 41%) and European (32 and 34% respectively), according to the latest issue of the Eurobarometer.
Asked how they would appreciate the general situation in Romania at present, 72% of Romanians say that the situation is bad and very bad, a higher percentage compared to mid-2022 when it was 66%, according to
While Romanians share the same challenges as other Europeans (inflation mainly), the impact on their households’ situation is perceived as more immediate.
More than half (58%) of respondents are satisfied with their lives, but this result lags far behind the European average (83%). The perception of the financial situation of households in Romania has worsened compared to the summer of 2022, while at the European Union level, this indicator has remained relatively similar.
The majority of Romanians trust the European Union (52%, compared to 47% in the EU27), more than twice the share of Romanians who trust their own Government (21%) or the Parliament (23%).
Trust in political parties among Romanians has decreased since the previous Eurobarometer, with 73% expressing no confidence in the parties, compared to 64% in the summer of 2022. However, the value is close to the European average, where 75% of Europeans say they do not trust political parties.
(Photo source: Radub85/