More Romanians want to have a healthy lifestyle, study shows
About 40% of the respondents to an iSense Solutions study said they improved their lifestyle in the last year doing more exercise, while 43% paid more attention to their diet.
The percentage of those who want to improve their lifestyle in the next year is even greater: 68% intend to do more exercise and 66% aspire to a healthy diet.
Moreover, the share of Romanians who managed to reduce the level of stress increased from 26% in 2016 to 42% in 2018, the same study shows. In the last year, 32% found a balance between work and personal life and 30% paid more attention to sleep, managing to sleep more.
For the next period, 65% of respondents said they have plans to reduce the impact of stressful situations, up from 56% in 2016.
“Our study confirms not only that people feel the need to relax, but also the fact that they spend more time and resources on activities aimed at helping with stress management, they pay more attention to how much time they spend exercising and what kind of food they eat. This may be a result of intense communication on healthy lifestyle and the promotion of sports events (marathons, cycling races),” said Traian Nastase, managing partner iSense Solutions.
When it comes to the Romanians’ intentions to improve lifestyle in the coming year, 31% said they plan to dedicate more time to them (40% of women and 22% of men), the same study revealed. Dance classes are among the preferred activities of women who have decided to take better care of themselves, 42% of women respondents choosing this answer, compared to only 25% of men.
On the opposite side, only 11% of respondents said they did nothing to improve their lifestyle, according to the study.
The study was carried out online on 561 respondents from urban areas aged 18-65.
Almost two-thirds of Romanians never exercise or play sport
Irina Marica,