Romanians keen to finance Govt., new Fidelis bond issue series show

Romanians bought RON 29 million and EUR 15 million of bonds on the first day of the subscription period for the new Fidelis bond issues launched by the Government, Ziarul Financiar reported.
It is safe to assume that some of the buyers were investors who also subscribed to buy Hidroelectrica shares but received back part of the money.
The investors’ interest was roughly equally shared between the 1-year (6.3% coupon) and 3-year (7.2% coupon) maturities for local currency debt. Blood donors were given a special 7.3% coupon on 1-year bonds.
As regards the bonds denominated in euros, there was notably more interest for the 5-year maturity (5.45% coupon) compared to the 1-year maturity (3.85% coupon).
(Photo source: Ungureanu Vadim/