Romanians’ low vacation budgets keep them mostly at home
Among the EU nations, Romanians spent the lowest average budgets for holidays in 2017 and, not surprisingly, they spent the largest part of their budgets for trips within the country, according to data released by Eurostat.
The residents of the European Union spent, on average, EUR 377 per holiday trip per tourist in 2017, the last place in this ranking being held by the residents of Romania with an average of EUR 135 earmarked for a holiday.
The most expensive holidays are spent by the residents of Luxembourg, with an average of EUR 769 for a holiday in 2017, followed by residents of Austria (EUR 641) and those of Malta (EUR 633). At the opposite end are residents of Hungary (EUR 161 for a holiday in 2017), Latvia (EUR 155), Bulgaria (EUR 153) and Romania (EUR 135).
When it comes to the average amount spent for one night, Romanians (with EUR 35) surpass the residents of countries like Czech Republic (EUR 34 per night) or Greece (EUR 31 per night). The highest per-night expenses are paid by residents of Denmark (who spend an average of EUR 162 per night).
Eurostat data also show that in only eight of the 28 Member States more than half of the total tourism expenses were made for destinations within the country. Romania leads in this ranking, with 79% of the EUR 2.245 billion accounting for the total tourism expenses spent in domestic destinations. Romania is followed by Greece (76%), Spain (66%), France and Portugal (both with 65 %), Bulgaria and Italy (both with 64%).
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