Romanians could pay their taxes at the state-owned CEC Bank

28 March 2018

Romanians could pay their taxes at the branches of the state-owned CEC Bank beginning June of this year, finance minister Eugen Teodorovici said at a TV show, quoted by Agerpres. Companies would have to wait until the end of the year to use the CEC Bank points for the same purpose.

“We already have the CEC, with its 1,000 local points. Why can’t they do what the tax authority [e.n. ANAF] cannot do today? Beginning with the first semester of the year, all individuals will be able to make at CEC the current transactions in their relation with the state – any kind of payment, of tax. We are basically increasing the base that the citizens can use for the services that should be at their disposal. At the end of the first semester, at the end of June, the individuals could have access to this common-sense service in any European country,” Teodorovici said.

The finance minister has mentioned before that he would like the tax authority ANAF to “start from what the tax payers need as a facility when paying their dues to the state,” Ziarul Financiar reported.

On various occasions, the representatives of the business environment have pointed to the tax agency’s old IT infrastructure, while minister Teodorovici said he would look into solutions that would allow taxpayers to communicate online with the tax agency. He also pointed to ANAF’s spending some EUR 10 million per year on mailing paper notifications to taxpayers and said the expense should disappear.

Teodorovici also said that tax payers would be able to submit online the unique tax form for freelancers beginning May 16, and that they would receive by post a password for this.

Romanian state-owned CEC Bank increases gross profit sevenfold


Romanians could pay their taxes at the state-owned CEC Bank

28 March 2018

Romanians could pay their taxes at the branches of the state-owned CEC Bank beginning June of this year, finance minister Eugen Teodorovici said at a TV show, quoted by Agerpres. Companies would have to wait until the end of the year to use the CEC Bank points for the same purpose.

“We already have the CEC, with its 1,000 local points. Why can’t they do what the tax authority [e.n. ANAF] cannot do today? Beginning with the first semester of the year, all individuals will be able to make at CEC the current transactions in their relation with the state – any kind of payment, of tax. We are basically increasing the base that the citizens can use for the services that should be at their disposal. At the end of the first semester, at the end of June, the individuals could have access to this common-sense service in any European country,” Teodorovici said.

The finance minister has mentioned before that he would like the tax authority ANAF to “start from what the tax payers need as a facility when paying their dues to the state,” Ziarul Financiar reported.

On various occasions, the representatives of the business environment have pointed to the tax agency’s old IT infrastructure, while minister Teodorovici said he would look into solutions that would allow taxpayers to communicate online with the tax agency. He also pointed to ANAF’s spending some EUR 10 million per year on mailing paper notifications to taxpayers and said the expense should disappear.

Teodorovici also said that tax payers would be able to submit online the unique tax form for freelancers beginning May 16, and that they would receive by post a password for this.

Romanian state-owned CEC Bank increases gross profit sevenfold




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