Foreign Affairs Min. informs Romanians of their post-Brexit rights in new video

30 March 2018

The country’s Foreign Affairs Minister (MAE) has launched a new informational video related to the Brexit implications for the Romanians living in the United Kingdom.

The video is part of a wider campaign of public consultations on the country’s status in the context of Brexit and the most recent negotiations on this. The ministry is also receiving suggestions and opinions from citizens, which will be included in “Romania’s vision” on Brexit.

A total of 328,000 Romanians are estimated to live in the UK, according to data quoted by

The video shows Victor Negrescu, a delegate minister for European Affairs, speaking on the stages of the process that have happened so far, the transition period, and the future of the relations between Romania and the UK, and the EU and the UK.

“At this stage of the negotiations, European citizens living, working and studying in the UK continue to benefit from their earned rights or those about to be earned. The status of the people who move to this country, including in the transition period, will be applied indiscriminately for all member states,” Victor Negrescu explained.

The second stage of the negotiations concerning UK’s exit from the EU will last until October 2018.

MAE presented its first informational video on Brexit in October 2017.

Romanian president, happy with Brexit negotiations outcome


Foreign Affairs Min. informs Romanians of their post-Brexit rights in new video

30 March 2018

The country’s Foreign Affairs Minister (MAE) has launched a new informational video related to the Brexit implications for the Romanians living in the United Kingdom.

The video is part of a wider campaign of public consultations on the country’s status in the context of Brexit and the most recent negotiations on this. The ministry is also receiving suggestions and opinions from citizens, which will be included in “Romania’s vision” on Brexit.

A total of 328,000 Romanians are estimated to live in the UK, according to data quoted by

The video shows Victor Negrescu, a delegate minister for European Affairs, speaking on the stages of the process that have happened so far, the transition period, and the future of the relations between Romania and the UK, and the EU and the UK.

“At this stage of the negotiations, European citizens living, working and studying in the UK continue to benefit from their earned rights or those about to be earned. The status of the people who move to this country, including in the transition period, will be applied indiscriminately for all member states,” Victor Negrescu explained.

The second stage of the negotiations concerning UK’s exit from the EU will last until October 2018.

MAE presented its first informational video on Brexit in October 2017.

Romanian president, happy with Brexit negotiations outcome




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