Less than 28% of Romanians got a salary increase in 2022, survey says

Only 27.7% of Romanians benefited from salary increases in 2022, and most (47.1%) got raises of up to 5%, according to a survey carried out in October by CEC Bank in partnership with FinZoom.ro. Almost 37% of respondents received pay raises of between 5 and 10%.
Asked if they benefited from salary increases since the beginning of the year, 61.6% of respondents said they did not, 27.7% said they did get a raise, and 10.6% chose not to answer.
The same survey found that those with above-average earnings and higher education benefited from salary increases this year. More than 45% of those with monthly incomes over RON 10,000 have received salary increases, with the share dropping to 34.5% for those with incomes between RON 2,500 and RON 5,000 per month and only 20.7% for respondents earning below RON 2,500/month.
Based on studies, 38.6% of those with postgraduate education benefited from salary hikes, and so did 28.4% of respondents with higher education.
Most survey participants (47.1%) said their wages increased by up to 5% this year, while only 5.1% benefited from increases of more than 20%. Another 36.8% said they received between 5-10% more, and 10.9% saw wage hikes between 10-20%.
Of those who have benefited from salary increases, 35.6% said they manage to regularly put money aside, more than the overall average of 24.6%.
The financial barometer survey was conducted online in October by banking comparator FinZoom.ro at the request of CEC Bank on a sample of over 1,250 people. 58.6% of the respondents are employees, 46.7% declared incomes between RON 2,500 and RON 5,000, and almost half - 50.8% - below RON 2,500 monthly. 34.6% of those surveyed are between 25 and 40 years old, 33.7% have higher education and 9.5% postgraduate education.
(Photo source: Andrii Yalanskyi | Dreamstime.com)