Survey: Over 80% of Romanians go shopping at hypermarkets

09 March 2018

Over eight in ten Romanians go shopping at the hypermarket and most of them take into consideration the price when deciding what products to buy, according to an online survey carried out by a local consultancy firm.

Some 63% of the respondents said they buy local as well as international products. Food dominates the shopping chart, especially dairy products, vegetables and meat.

When deciding to choose local products over international ones, 62% of Romanians say they do it because they are more natural, 54% say they are better quality and 49% say they want to help the local economy.

Over three quarters of the shoppers look at the price when deciding what products to buy, 74% look at the ingredients while only 27% look at the certifications.


Survey: Over 80% of Romanians go shopping at hypermarkets

09 March 2018

Over eight in ten Romanians go shopping at the hypermarket and most of them take into consideration the price when deciding what products to buy, according to an online survey carried out by a local consultancy firm.

Some 63% of the respondents said they buy local as well as international products. Food dominates the shopping chart, especially dairy products, vegetables and meat.

When deciding to choose local products over international ones, 62% of Romanians say they do it because they are more natural, 54% say they are better quality and 49% say they want to help the local economy.

Over three quarters of the shoppers look at the price when deciding what products to buy, 74% look at the ingredients while only 27% look at the certifications.




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