Romanians spend a quarter of average income on leisure, go home after work most week days

26 June 2012

Romanians have about four hours of free time during a working day and about nine hours on a day during the weekend, while their average leisure budget is of RON 350 a month- or 22 percent of the average income, found a recent survey by SMARK Research and eResearch.

Romanians however seems to have quite a limited social life, as they prefer the company of family both during weekdays and during the weekend free time.

Respondents to the study were rather homelike and not used to organizing their free time. Most of them – 80 percent prefer to spend their free time after work indoors, in the confines of their own home during week days. The situation is reversed during the weekend, when 76 percent of Romanians prefer activities outside their homes.

The study was conducted online within the adult population of 18-45 years in urban areas with access to Internet, from Brasov, Bucharest, Constanta, Craiova and Cluj-Napoca. 


Romanians spend a quarter of average income on leisure, go home after work most week days

26 June 2012

Romanians have about four hours of free time during a working day and about nine hours on a day during the weekend, while their average leisure budget is of RON 350 a month- or 22 percent of the average income, found a recent survey by SMARK Research and eResearch.

Romanians however seems to have quite a limited social life, as they prefer the company of family both during weekdays and during the weekend free time.

Respondents to the study were rather homelike and not used to organizing their free time. Most of them – 80 percent prefer to spend their free time after work indoors, in the confines of their own home during week days. The situation is reversed during the weekend, when 76 percent of Romanians prefer activities outside their homes.

The study was conducted online within the adult population of 18-45 years in urban areas with access to Internet, from Brasov, Bucharest, Constanta, Craiova and Cluj-Napoca. 


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