Real estate Romania survey: Buyers' eyes bigger than wallets and increased online marketing

Prospective apartment buyers in Romania usually want a two-roomed apartment that has a usable area of 55 sqm, but they end up with an apartment of 48 sqm, shows a survey made in 2011 by BCR on home buyer intentions. The survey also showed that most real estate agencies now use the Internet to promote offers and that the gap between Bucharest and the rest of the country in online property advertising is narrowing.
“We see blurring differences between Bucharest and local markets in terms of using the Internet as a business environment. This trend is normal, given the growing rate of Internet penetration at a regional level in the past few years. Real estate agents are aware that most potential home buyers are internet users and therefore pay more attention to published ads in the digital environment," said Adina Vasilescu, publisher at DeCase store.
According to Adrian Erimescu, general manager of the website, many estate agencies are looking outside the company to specialist consultancy services related to online marketing and search optimization.
The market survey was made on 300 real estate market players from Romania, including both developers and agents.
Ioana Toader,
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