Two in five Romanians burn wood, coal or gas in stoves to heat their homes

An Inscop Research survey shows that 43.4% of respondents heat their homes during winter by the use of wood, coal or natural gas stoves, 35.7% have their own natural gas boiler, 13.5% benefit from district heating (at block or neighborhood level), and 1.8% use an electric heating system.
Another 5.5% say they use “another type of heating source," most of the answers in this category indicating the wood and pellet boilers, according to
When it comes to the type of energy that Romanians would prefer to use in general, the study found that 35.4% mention the energy produced by solar panels (photovoltaics), 18.5% wind energy (produced by wind), 12. 6% energy produced by hydroelectric plants, 10.2% energy produced by combustion of natural gas, 6.4% energy produced by combustion of coal/wood, 3.9% energy produced by combustion of waste (biomass), 2.1% nuclear energy, while 11% of those surveyed said they did not know or prefer not to answer.
Asked if they would change the heating system they are currently using, 75.3% of the users of wood, coal and gas stoves answered yes. A lower openness to change the heating system used is recorded among those connected to the centralized system (44.6% say they would change the heating system if possible), as well as those who have their own gas boilers (36.9%).
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