Romania's general elections winners get half of total donations reported during campaign

18 December 2012

The Social Liberal Union (USL), which won the recent general elections in Romania, received donations of over EUR 3.4 million for the elections, almost half of the total value of donations, according to data from the Permanent Electoral Authority. This was the biggest volume of donations received by a political party or union, while the total value of donations in these elections stood at some EUR 6.3 million.

The Right Romania Alliance, which in the meantime disbanded, received some EUR 1.7 million in donations to be part of the elections. The Democratic Liberal Party (PDL) received most of the donations- some EUR 1.5 million, while Forta Civica and The Christian-Democratic National Peasants' Party (PNTCD), the rest.

For most political parties, the bulk of donations came from individuals, rather than companies.

The minorities standing for seats in the Parliament received donations ranging from RON 3,000 (under EUR 1,000) for the Union of Lipoveni Russians in Romania, to RON 64,000 (or some EUR 14,000) for lawyer Gheorghe Piperea, and some RON 131,000 (the equivalent of some EUR 29,000) for the Ecology Party in Romania (PER).

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Romania's general elections winners get half of total donations reported during campaign

18 December 2012

The Social Liberal Union (USL), which won the recent general elections in Romania, received donations of over EUR 3.4 million for the elections, almost half of the total value of donations, according to data from the Permanent Electoral Authority. This was the biggest volume of donations received by a political party or union, while the total value of donations in these elections stood at some EUR 6.3 million.

The Right Romania Alliance, which in the meantime disbanded, received some EUR 1.7 million in donations to be part of the elections. The Democratic Liberal Party (PDL) received most of the donations- some EUR 1.5 million, while Forta Civica and The Christian-Democratic National Peasants' Party (PNTCD), the rest.

For most political parties, the bulk of donations came from individuals, rather than companies.

The minorities standing for seats in the Parliament received donations ranging from RON 3,000 (under EUR 1,000) for the Union of Lipoveni Russians in Romania, to RON 64,000 (or some EUR 14,000) for lawyer Gheorghe Piperea, and some RON 131,000 (the equivalent of some EUR 29,000) for the Ecology Party in Romania (PER).

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