Imported gas, only 14% more expensive than the gas from Romania's domestic production
The price of gas Romania imported from Russia reached RON 87.35 (EUR 19.4) per MWh in October 2015.
The price was only 14% higher compared to the price of gas from the domestic production. This amounted to RON 76 per MWh (EUR 16.9), according to the Energy Authority ANRE.
In the previous years, the Russian gas was two times more expensive compared to the gas from internal production. The decrease in the price of Russian gas is related to the drop in the oil price. The price of oil fell under USD 30, from USD 115 in mid-2014.
The imported gas price amounted to RON 136 (EUR 30.3) at the beginning of 2015, rose to RON 142 (EUR 31.6) per MWh in March and then went on a downtrend. On the other hand, the price of gas from the internal production has increased in recent years, as the state committed to bringing it to the same level with the price of imported gas.
In October 2015, Romania used only 1.61% import gas. Before the economic crisis, Romania imports covered a quarter of the domestic gas consumption.