Romania's public debt fell to 36% of GDP in April

Romania’s public debt fell to EUR 46.2 billion in April, the equivalent of 36 percent of the GDP.
For government debt, by type of creditor, obligations to private banks showed the largest decrease, from EUR 32.29 billion in March to EUR 31.73 in April. At the same time, the multilateral debt declined by around EUR 268 million to EUR 13.07 billion.
From February to April, the Treasury increased maturities on loans, so that at the end of the first four months, the long-term debt was around EUR 21.67 billion, accounting for almost half of the total. On short term, the Treasury owes around EUR 7.63 billion, while on the medium-term the loan balance is around EUR 15.05billion.
Public debt of local authorities was EUR 2.80 billion at end of April, down EUR 9.27 million compared to the previous month. Most of the local debt is contracted in RON.
Irina Popescu,
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