Romania's tourism marketing programs revealed: 'Guardian Angels', 'We Care', 'Romania Welcomes You'

The Romanian Regional Development and Tourism Ministry will launch programs like “Guardian Angels” (Ingeri Pazitori), “We care” (Ne pasa) and “Romania welcomes you” (Romania iti ureaza bun venit), hoping to attract more tourists to the country. Such programs should start from 2012 and are part of the recently revealed marketing plan, which will cost EUR 118 million over the next four years.
The strategy also includes identifying 20 top attractions, ten top circuits, the identification of national symbols, as well as organizing awards for the Romanian tourism. The project will also feature a web portal which will include data about Romania's touristic attractions. Romania will be promoted on TV, the Internet, as well as in the printed media.
The country has put aside some EUR 118 million for its strategic and operational marketing plan until 2015 and plans to spend EUR 21.5 million this year alone on promoting the country as a tourist destination.
The marketing plan, recently revealed by the Romanian Development and Tourism Ministry, will focus on six products: rural tourism, parks and wild nature, health and wellness, active and adventure, circuits and city breaks. Romania launched its new tourist logo and slogan last year: Explore the Carpathian Garden.
(Photo source: Corina Saceanu/