Romanian state to provide more firewood to households

Romsilva, the state company that manages 48% of the country's forests, announced that it would make more firewood available to households - in the context of rising demand fueled by the high price of other heating alternatives (natural gas, electricity).
The company is also pondering the option of relocating some volumes of firewood from areas where there is a surplus, especially in the mountain areas, to deficit areas to balance the market.
In the first eight months of this year, Romsilva delivered directly to the population 1,217,464 cubic meters of firewood, 362,399 cubic meters more than in the same period last year. It estimates to deliver around two million cubic meters in the entire year.
At the same time, considering the high demand for wood from the industry, the management of Romsilva considers the possibility of supplementing the volume offered on the market with about 500,000 cubic meters of wood from this year's production. This is subject to approval by the Board of the company in the meeting of September 29 this year.
(Photo source: Facebook/Romsilva)