Romanian Govt. pays only some of the public employees before Easter

05 April 2018

An announcement of prime minister Viorica Dancila started a new scandal in Romania’s public sector this week.

The prime minister announced on Tuesday, April 3, that all public sector employees will get their salaries before Easter, so they can enjoy the holidays. However, she was shortly contradicted by unions, who said that some categories of employees in the public sector would not have their wages paid earlier, local reported. Apparently, teachers and employees of the Interior Ministry will not get their salaries earlier.

Finance minister Eugen Teodorovici explained that he signed an order in March that allowed all public institutions in Romania to ask that wages are paid earlier to their employees. However, he added that only some institutions asked for earlier payment. The list includes the Ministry of Finance, Justice, Environment, Transport, Health, Communication, Economy, Energy, Tourism and several other state institutions.

The members of the parliament are also among those who will get their salaries paid in advance, on April 5.


Romanian Govt. pays only some of the public employees before Easter

05 April 2018

An announcement of prime minister Viorica Dancila started a new scandal in Romania’s public sector this week.

The prime minister announced on Tuesday, April 3, that all public sector employees will get their salaries before Easter, so they can enjoy the holidays. However, she was shortly contradicted by unions, who said that some categories of employees in the public sector would not have their wages paid earlier, local reported. Apparently, teachers and employees of the Interior Ministry will not get their salaries earlier.

Finance minister Eugen Teodorovici explained that he signed an order in March that allowed all public institutions in Romania to ask that wages are paid earlier to their employees. However, he added that only some institutions asked for earlier payment. The list includes the Ministry of Finance, Justice, Environment, Transport, Health, Communication, Economy, Energy, Tourism and several other state institutions.

The members of the parliament are also among those who will get their salaries paid in advance, on April 5.




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