EUR 7 mln science and technology park planned in Oradea

The Bihor County Council, in partnership with the University of Oradea, has launched a project worth approximately RON 33 million (EUR 7 million ) for the developing a science and technology park.
The project is partly financed from the European Union budget, under the Regional Operational Program 2014-2020 and the estimated implementation period is July 2019-June 2022, according to local Ziarul Financiar. The building, with an area of 5,417 square meters, should be completed within 18 months.
The park is to be located on a land owned by the Bihor County Council, behind the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences in Oradea. The Bihor County Council will provide the infrastructure, the University of Oradea will be responsible for the technology transfer to the newly created infrastructure, while the Bihor Industrial Parks Society, which initiated the project and the Science and Technology Park Bihor limited liability company will manage the park.
"The County Council contributes the land and the co-financing. Out of the total value of the project of approximately EUR 7 million, the County Council provides 50% co-financing," said Ioan Mang, vice-president of the Bihor County Council.
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