RO Govt. earmarks more funds for car scrappage program
Romania’s Government supplemented with RON 135 million (EUR 28.4 mln) the funds allocated to the old car replacement program (Rabla), and will issue 20,000 vouchers for the purchase of new vehicles. Initially, the Government earmarked RON 320 mln (EUR 62.4 mln) for 35,000 vouchers, reported.
Those giving up their car older than eight years get a voucher worth RON 6,500 (EUR 1,370) that they can use when buying a new car with low CO2 emissions.
“Depending on the implementation of the program and the demand for vouchers, we will analyze whether a new supplement is needed,” said deputy prime minister Graţiela Gavrilescu, who also serves as environment minister.
The Government also revised the Program for the installation of photovoltaic systems and supplemented its budget by RON 536 mln (EUR 113 mln), the money coming from the Regional Operational Program (ROP), for the 7 development regions of Romania, not including Bucharest-Ilfov (this region being ineligible through ROP).
Other RON 120 mln were earmarked from the national budget for Bucharest-Ilfov area, resulting in RON 656 mln (EUR 138 mln) available for installing photovoltaic systems for individual households.
(Photo: Pixabay)