SeeYou: App helps the visually impaired with activities in Bucharest

SeeYou, a web-based app that connects the visually impaired with volunteers who can help them with various tasks, is available in Bucharest.
The app was designed to offer the visually impaired easier access to socializing activities but also help them move around the city to go to university or travel by train. In the current pandemic context, it can help them when they need to visit a public institution or get around following the social distancing and safety measures.
Once a beneficiary and a volunteer connect through the app, the latter can solve various requests, online or offline, from reading a printed document to assisting with various tasks, or simply hold a friendly call for those who feel lonely at this time.
The project of the app was initiated by the NGO AMAIS (The Association of Alternative Methods for Social Integration), with the support of Accenture Romania.
“This app is an instrument helping the visually impaired create their own socializing, inclusive contexts, independently from the events designed by AMAIS. Using today’s technology, they can participate actively in the city’s life,” Iris Popescu, a cofounder of AMAIS, explained, quoted by Adevarul.
There are 93,591 visually impaired people in Romania, and 54% of them are entirely or severely sight impaired, according to data from AMAIS.
(Photo: Kenzenbrv |