Expert committees in the Romanian Senate approve ‘green pass law’

Under a bill already passed by the expert committees in the Romanian Senate, the access of those working in virtually all public and private buildings, including those in the sectors of education and health but not including the premises in the judiciary area, will be conditioned on the green pass.
The bill is expected to be discussed by the Senate, as the first chamber notified, on October 27.
The bill applies to the companies that operate in office buildings hosting over 50 employees simultaneously.
“Among the sectors covered by the bill, there are those of education and health,” according to Mediafax.
The bill was supported by the MPs of the former centre-right coalition: reformist USR, Liberal Party (PNL) and ethnic Hungarians (UDMR), while the Social Democrats (PSD) and radical party AUR voted against it.
Employees who fail to provide a green pass can be suspended from the post for 30 days and dismissed afterwards.
(Photo source: Karzof Pleine/